
Official API
Implemented Class

Gets Cards present on a Phase.


<In> PhaseID : long

ID of the Phase to be obtained.

<In> Amount : int

Amount of cards to get.

<In> AfterCursor : string

Page cursor to continue.

Obtain this value from the field NextPageCursor.

<In> AssignedTo : long[]

IDs of the assignees.

<In> IgnoreIDs : long[]

Card IDs to ignore.

<In> Labels : long[]

IDs of the labels

<In> Title : string

Title of the card.

<Out> Cards : JObject[]

Cards obtained (JObject[]).

Example of each object:

    "created_at": "2019-03-22T11:26:35-03:00",
    "done": false,
    "due_date": "2019-04-02T11:30:00-03:00",
    "expired": false,
    "id": "12345678",
    "late": false,
    "title": "Title of my awesome card",
    "url": ""

<Out> HasNextPage : bool

True if there are elements after the last obtained.

<Out> NextPageCursor : string

The cursor to be used to obtain the next page.

When requesting the following cards, use this value in the AfterCursor field.

Inherited Arguments

<In> Bearer : string

The Bearer authorization token generated by Pipefy.

<In> Timeout : int

The timeout limit (in ms) for the request to be completed.

<Out> Status : string

A brief status message of the result of the action.

<Out> Success : boolean

True if the action was successful.

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