
Official API
Implemented Class

Gets information on multiple Organizations.


<In> OrganizationIDs : long[]

IDs of the Organizations to be obtained

You can find this info from the API or from the link when accessing it through the web

If this field is left empty, it returns all the organizations of which the user is a member from.

<Out> Organizations : JObject[]

The organizations obtained (JObject[]).

Example of each object:

    "id": "12345",
    "name": "Nice Org",
    "role": "normal"

Inherited Arguments

<In> Bearer : string

The Bearer authorization token generated by Pipefy.

<In> Timeout : int

The timeout limit (in ms) for the request to be completed.

<Out> Status : string

A brief status message of the result of the action.

<Out> Success : boolean

True if the action was successful.

All actions