Official API
Implemented Class
Creates a record in a Table.
<In> TableID : string
The ID of the table in which the record should be added.
You can find this info from the API or from the link when accessing it through the web.
<In> Title : string
The Title for the TableRecord.
Default: first field value.
<In> DueDate : DateTime
The Due Date for the TableRecord.
Default: one month from current DateTime.
<In> DictionaryFields : Dictionary<string, object>
The fields value to be added, in Dictionary form. Each key represents one field. Values are converted to string.
You can’t fill DictionaryFields and DataRowFields at the same time.
<In> DataRowFields : DataRow
The fields value to be added, in DataRow form. Each columns represents one field. Values are converted to string.
You can’t fill DictionaryFields and DataRowFields at the same time
<Out> TableRecordID : long
The ID of the created TableRecord.
Inherited Arguments
<In> Bearer : string
The Bearer authorization token generated by Pipefy.
<In> Timeout : int
The timeout limit (in ms) for the request to be completed.
<Out> Status : string
A brief status message of the result of the action.
<Out> Success : boolean
True if the action was successful.